Sunday, July 02, 2006

WFT Parents' Golden Rules- Part 1

Top 10 golden rules for WFT parents:

1. Thou shalt be respectful toward the two-legged mummy's quality time with wiry pup and wait for thy turn.

2. Thou shalt leave neither nook nor corner unchecked for potential menace.

3. Thou shalt check every door to ensure safety in pup's home.

4. Thou shalt be Always interested in where your pup's curiosities lie.

5. (In the case of fish tanks) Thou ought to ensure that presence of other pets are not threatening to puppy. Water level ought to be high and taste of good quality. Marking of tank is encouraged to ensure fish remain respectful of wire presence.

6. Thou shalt play hide-and-seek with thy pup. Always pretend that it is hard to find pup, no matter how easy it seems.

7. Thou shalt exercise with thy pup. Catching is to be encouraged.

To be continued...

Wiry parents,

Party & Mango

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