Friday, July 14, 2006

sedated week

Mango and I are incredily bored.

It is a busy period at work for mummy and OUR quality time & life are compromised! And then we heard that our Uncle Pt is travelling for a week for work! Work again!! This means no extra complimentary treats, nor swims nor nice, long outings are in store. And our up-coming picnic has to wait till he is back and cleared off some of his work.

How can we ever sulk enough?

I have taken on special-wire-task-force work and am WORKING overtime, unpaid of course, to make mummy guilty enough for a some special outing this weekend.

I cannot wait to go on outings and earn some extra pats. And I can see Mango yearning to meet people who will exclaim about how adorable she is.

So far, my hard labours have earned special priviledge to sleep on mummy's bed for a few nights and Mango's riding on the priviledge too. Oh well, this is better-than-nothing.

Of course I have my cosy little house of a bed, but during this sedated week, what could beat enjoying special priviledges?




Wired for Mackie said...

Hi Party,

I've been pretty tired too, but that's because I've been a bit sick. I hope that your Mummy gets back to what is most important soon- us Wires! hehehe!
Your pal, Mackie

Daniella said...

WE're all a bunch of snooze-hounds. That's what my dad calls me! Of course I've been stoned on Benadryl the last 2 days for my's way cool...heh heh