Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Signs of a good start for the year

Mango and I went to Auntie Fee (Fee's mum)'s place for our visit today. This is the third visit this year. While mum went off for work, we romped freely with our fiesty & robust daughter and mum came to join us after work.

Auntie Fee calls me 'the little cheat' cos last year, I had the mood swings and disinterest in all food at Auntie Fee's, but always went back to my perky greedy self when I get home. Today, I was good. I:

1. Dug a hole in Auntie Fee (Fee's mum)'s bedsheet.

2. Asserted my need for attention by scratching Auntie Fee excessively.

3. Polished off the nice decent meal (mince meat + sausage + liver + garlic + some beans) prepared by Auntie Fee.

4. Polished off all decent treats (dried sasami + lamb treats + some minty chix-flavoured treats), minus the not-so-meaty ones (biscuits & yoghurt drops).

5. Indulged like a king on the sofa all to myself while Mango and Fee slept on the floor.

Voila... nobody could figure out why the good mood today. I did heard lots of speculations and my name being mentioned in mum and Auntie Fee's conversation all night long. I know that despite tolerating my naughty nonsense, Auntie Fee was secretly pleased that I was naughty and greedy.

Auntie Fee heard that I love powdered goat's milk and she said she will get some for me during the next visit. And she was wondering about the next visit's menu for us. Yummzzz...

I have started on medication - the vet says it will be life-long - for the fits and so far, they had been staying away. On top of that, the compensating nature of mum and Auntie Fee made them all extra nice to me so I guess that explains all the extra goodies, love and play.

Since the medication comes bundled in my favourite - bread - I am eager to compile. And plus the extra tasty goodies, fun and more food, this year looks promising to be a wonderful year ahead.

Dear dogs' God, please let this be a good year for me. No sick, no fits... or lesser... just more love and goodies and walks and play and toys please?

Earnestly wire,



Yuki n Joyce said...

helo! wow you've had some delicious meal + treats! i wish i can hav some *licks lips* ;)

PS i'm just surfin through the dogs with blogs directory...sorry if i surprised you:P

Anonymous said...

Nice pic! Looks like your Mom's getting the hang of her new cammie!

Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Hey Party! Hope the meds do it for you....

Happy Valentines you 2!!!!!

Bussie Kissies